2016 Foodie Resolutions
24 November 2015 / Posted in Be FoodWise
I'm in between on the whole new years resolution thing, mainly because in the past I've decided to do something and not long thereafter I've done a backslide back to square one. So I've chatted to the girls in the office and because we love food we've agreed to do some foodie resolutions instead!
1. Try something new - Are you always ordering the same meal when you go out? Enough of that! Be daring, you never know, you may find your next favourite dish. Life is too short not to experiment.
2. Cook more often - I know we are all busy and cooking becomes a mountain when thinking of your next meal. Start with an easy meal and work from there. There is nothing better than homemade soup in winter or that easy thrown together supper on a summer's day
3. Why not try and master the mother sauces with us! - During the year we will be cooking béchamel, veloute, espagnole, tomato sauce and hollandaise in our AMC. We'd love for you to join us and let us know how you do!
4. Choose healthy fats - It's been debated for years now that a low-fat diet is the key to losing weight, managing cholesterol, and preventing health problems. But there is really more to it than that. It's also the types of fat we eat that matters. Bad fats increase cholesterol and the risk of certain diseases, while good fats protect your heart and support overall health. In fact, good fats are essential to physical and emotional health.
5. Eat less processed food - All processed foods are usually loaded with sugar or salt, contain artificial ingredients and are low in nutrients. If you're in a hurry grab a fruit or some nuts to fill the gap!
6. Eat more whole foods - What are whole foods you ask? It's foods that have been processed or refined as little as possible and are free from additives or other artificial substances.
7. Reduce food waste in your home. Plan you meals and cook what you need with seasonal ingredients. Some leftovers even taste better the next day!
8. Grow your own veggies - Growing your own veggies not only means you save money, but they are also more nutritious because they are truly fresh. Fruits and vegetables from your own garden lose less nutrients on the way to your table than the ones that have had to travel all the way to your grocery store.
9. Eat your breakfast - We all know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but many of us skip this meal. Having a good breakfast provides you with the energy and nutrients that get you ready for the rest of your day. Breakfast is also important in maintaining a healthy body weight.
10. Go meat-free at least one day a week. - Going meatless once a week may reduce your risk of chronic preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. We would also be reducing our carbon footprint and saving precious resources like fossil fuels and fresh water.
Good luck with trying these food resolutions with us. We hope 2016 is filled with joy & good changes!