Steamed mince dumplings

Dumplings are usually made up of small pieces of dough, wrapped around your favourite sweet or savoury fillings. Often the dumpling dough is also prepared, but in our recipe we've saved time and used store bought bread dough to make this recipe even simpler.
Steamed dumplings
Makes 15 – 18
100 ml soy sauce
350 ml pineapple or apple juice
10 ml sugar
15 ml corn flour
500 g beef or chicken mince
1 onion, finely chopped
1 – 2 chillies, seeded and chopped
5 ml each ground cumin and coriander
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 – 3 spring onions, sliced
handful fresh coriander, chopped
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 kg ready-made bread dough
30 ml poppy or sesame seeds for sprinkling
oil for greasing
- Combine soy sauce, juice, sugar and corn flour in an AMC 20 cm Dome or glass jug. Set aside until needed.
- Meanwhile preheat an AMC 24 cm Dome Fry Pan over a medium temperature until the Visiotherm® reaches the first red area. Add mince, browning in batches before removing from unit.
- Add onions, chilli and spices, sautéing for a few minutes before adding garlic and soy sauce mix from step 1. Return mince to the Fry Pan, stir through spring onions and coriander. Season with black pepper. Allow to cool.
- Divide dough into 15 - 18 portions and shape into round discs. Place a tablespoon (15 ml) of the cooled mince in the middle of each disk. Gently pull the ends together and pinch closed. Turn over and brush smooth side with water before sprinkling with seeds.
- Add a of litre water to an AMC 24 cm Gourmet High. Heat over a medium temperature until the Visiotherm® is at the 11 o' clock area.
- Place greased AMC Steamer with 6 dumplings in the unit and cover with lid. Reduce heat slightly and tilt lid allowing some steam to escape. Steam for 12 - 15 minutes, remove and continue with remaining dumplings. Serve warm with soy dipping sauce.
Tips & Variations
- Substitute mince with your favourite sausage filling.
Cookware we used