Make your own smoothie

31 August 2017 / Posted in Beverages Breakfast & brunch
Smoothie recipe

Smoothies have become increasingly popular. These convenient meals in a glass make them ideal for everyone who is on the go. They also ensure that you're getting healthy and high quality liquid nutrition when you need it. Healthy doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when you have our handy smoothie guide below. Use this guide to choose the best ingredients for you, ensuring that you fuel up correctly.

It’s important to keep in mind that a healthy smoothie depends on the ingredients used. Many smoothies are made up of large servings of fruit and veggies, which are recommended in a healthy diet, but too much fruit also means too much sugar. We share a power smoothie recipe below as well as our smoothie table – in 6 easy steps you can create your unique power smoothie.

Power smoothie ingredients

Power Smoothie

Makes 500 ml

250 ml milk
handful of spinach
1 banana, peeled
7.5 ml honey, glucose or maple syrup
¼ cup of oats
1 - 2 scoops protein powder


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a food processor or smoothie and blitz until smooth. Add additional milk, juice or water to get the consistency you prefer. 
make your own smoothie

 Download this smoothie table. 

 Credit to Mark Koekemoer for providing the info in smoothie table.