Stokvel Orders
18 March 2019 / Posted in AMC Consultants
Stokvels are voluntary clubs or groups of people that are bound by a common cause. The group then pools their financial resources on a regular basis for group members to reach their common cause. In this case to buy AMC cookware.
Here is how it works
- Stokvel members can collectively decide to purchase AMC.
- All members of the stokvel group complete the orders of their choice. This is usually roughly of the same value – any difference in value to be sorted out privately among the group. These orders together with a Stokvel control sheet must be forwarded to AMC Support Centre for processing.
- The Stokvel is responsible for getting the money paid to AMC, using the correct order reference.
- Each Stokvel member will receive their order in their allocated month of delivery.
- A Stokvel will be valid for the duration of the number of orders, ie., if there are 8 orders, the Stokvel will be valid for 8 months. If there are 10 orders, the Stokvel will be valid for 10 months.
- Orders count as cash, and cash commission is paid when full payment is made.
- The Stokvel group must consist of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 12 members.
- Goods may not be supplied on approval and cannot be cancelled once signed for delivery.
- Goods stay the property of AMC Cookware until the total is paid in full.
- If any Member’s order is not paid as agreed, they forfeit their discount and will not be able to take part in Stokvel schemes.
If you are using the AMC Consultant App to place orders, you can also place a Stokvel order on the app. Once you have done so, please remember to complete the electronic Stokvel Control Sheet to capture the group of orders that belong to the Stokvel. View the form here: STOKVEL CONTROL SHEET